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How To Charter A Yacht

What’s A Boat Charter?

Bareboat, Standard, or Premium: select your charter wisely. Not all boating charters are cut from the same cloth.

bridal couple with the sailboat captain on a romantic boat ride NYC

Are Bareboat Charters… Naked?

It depends on your NYC private boat party, but most likely you will get to keep your clothes on. It’s the vessel that will be entirely bare — no captain, no crew, no frills, and sometimes no comforts. It’s like getting the keys to an airplane for your vacation, and you have to figure out how to get there. Bare boat chartering puts you at the helm of your own ship, or leaves it up to you to find a captain on your own, with the entire journey your responsibility. In the best case scenario, a DYI New York City boat charter could be good content for your TikTok account. But in the worst case scenario, the captain is expected to go down with the ship.

Standard Charter
Simple Sailing NYC

Dip your toes into sailing with a standard boat charter. One step above the bare necessities, you get a boat and a captain but that’s it. These New York charter boats can be as bare as a sandbar – no food or beverage service, sometimes no cushions, sometimes clean, sometimes not. For those who think no frills is part of the thrill, this type of sail boat hire just might work.

NYC Sailboat Charter, the best private cruise with luxury cabin lounge and decoration packages

Luxury Ahoy!
Premium Charter Boat

Premium charter boating offers the highest level of service: luxury cushions and decor, top-notch amenities, food and beverage service, concierge service, and most importantly, a US Coast Guard licensed captain and crew. We believe that if you’re going to charter a yacht, sail with the best.

a man holding a mimosa next to the Statue of Liberty during a brunch cruise in NYC

Charter Tales:
Sailing’s Latin Roots and Sea-Worthy Slang

“Charter” comes from the Latin term “charta,” meaning granting rights written on paper or papyrus. Today, chartering a yacht still gives you a paper (or digital) agreement with rights to board a small boat hire. This is your passport to a nautical world with it’s own maritime language and traditions. Get ready to hear classic sailor talk on a charter sail as well as new terms that cast everything in a new light.

While “Yes” is for landlubbers, “Aye” is for the crew, and “Aye, aye, sir” is for the captain.

“Batten down the hatches!” means prepare for rough weather, but if the captain orders orders a “clap of thunder,” don’t worry about the weather, get ready for a strong drink.

Most common items are appointed special names on a charter sail boat. If you’re looking for the kitchen, ask for the “galley.” Need to use the bathroom? Find the “head.” If you hear “throw me a line,” thespians don’t need to chime in with a quote from Shakespeare. A “line” is a rope and, when the line is tied to a ballard (known as the “bitt”), the end of the line is known as the “bitter end.” When a sailor reports to the captain “I’m approaching the bitter end,” pray there’s enough line so the captain won’t get too sour.

On a sail boat charter, there’s two things we never want to run out of — line and drink. Our top-notch sailors keep the lines trimmed and glasses filled so you can enjoy the very best of sailing.

Explore the nautical world with a private boat charter.
